Blog Banner: ETHGlobal's ETHSanFrancisco Hackathon - $5k in prizes and 22 unique submissions!

ETHGlobal's ETHSanFrancisco Hackathon - $5k in prizes and 22 unique submissions!

We have just concluded the ETHSanFrancisco Hackathon, a weekend IRL (in real life) web3 developer event focused on building the new frontier of applications on the Ethereum blockchain. This hackathon was put together by ETHGlobal, the premier global operator of Ethereum hackathons and an organization that Covalent regularly supports by providing bounties for developers integrating the Covalent Unified API. For this event, Covalent offered a $5k prize pool, received 22 unique submissions built entirely over the weekend, and of those we are pleased to award 3 top prizes!

Quote from ETHSanFrancisco builders

"Covalent makes accessing blockchain data really easy. We use them in our day job all the time!"

Keep reading to check out their projects!

🎉ETHSanFrancisco Hackathon Winners🎉

Additional Prizes:



  • Project links: Submission and demo
  • Builders: Jinesh Doshi and Suruchi Gupta
  • Use case: GIANT (Global Internet Access Token) is a platform that turns bandwidth into a global digital asset to buy, sell, gift, and securitize. Anyone with a mobile phone or a computer can go to the GIANT collection on OpenSea, mint an eSIM NFT and head to the GIANT dapp to activate and instantly go online!
  • Covalent API: Get NFT external metadata for contract and Get token balances for address


Monet Bridge

  • Project links: Submission and usage link
  • Builder: Cindy Jiang, Jun Kim, Brandon Wang, and Vincent Tiu
  • Use case: Monet Bridge is a multi-chain zk light client bridge that burns wrapped tokens when bridging back the ERC20 to its original chain and unlocking the native tokens.
  • Covalent API: Get log events by contract address



  • Project links: Submission and demo
  • Builder: Michael Brink, Yoon Kim, and Irene Fabris
  • Use case: Scorebox is a credit scoring dapp which creates a score based on crypto financial history. It also allows users to encrypt and store their score on-chain and issue viewing (decryption) keys to 3rd parties!
  • Covalent API: Get token balances for address, Get historical portfolio value over time and Get transactions for address


Congratulations to all the talented participants! Check out their projects in more detail on the ETHGlobal Showcase page.