Safe’s DAATA and AI Hackathon - $5K in Prizes!

Covalent announces its $5K bounty winners for the Safe DAATA and AI hackathon focusing on account abstraction.

We’ve recently wrapped up our participation in Safe’s DAATA and AI Hackathon; congratulations to all participants and prize winners! This was a significant step for us into the world of Account Abstraction (AA) following our recent integration of decoded Safe data into our transaction APIs (read more). This is the first AA-focused hackathon we’ve been a part of, and we were pleased to have the opportunity to evaluate 7 excellent submissions covering some awesome emerging Web3 use cases, including:

  • Smart account tracking

  • AI anomaly detection

  • Safe ecosystem analysis

  • And more!

Covalent offered $5K in prizes to teams building with the Covalent API and chose 3 trailblazing winners to receive tiered prize amounts of $2500, $1750 and $750.

🎉  Safe’s DAATA and AI Hackathon - Covalent Prize Winners 🎉

🥇 AA History and Audit Dashboard - an easy and intuitive explorer to understand Safe transactions and ownership changes, with multi-chain support.

🥈 Safe Ecosystem Data - a fully loaded Safe dashboard looking at Safes created, unique deployers, owners and more across multiple chains.

🥉 Safe Guardian Angel - an AI tool comprising multiple LLMs that analyze Safe transaction data and alert users to anomalies.

Keep reading to check out their projects!

AA History and Audit Dashboard

This AA (Account Abstraction) History & Audit Dashboard allows you to view the complete history of any Safe{Wallet} address! This directly addresses the challenge of limited visibility into Safe details on traditional block explorers, especially with respect to owners and thresholds.

Safe Ecosystem Data

This project showcases Safe ecosystem data using Covalent's Increment, an SQL-based dashboard tool for blockchain intelligence. The dashboard examines Safe creation on mainnets and testnets as well as the ratio of Safes deployed by builders vs. consumers.

Safe Guardian Angel

Safe Guardian Angel is an AI tool made of multiple LLM-based agents that monitor Safe transactions and alert the user to anomalies. Safe Guardian Angel feeds transaction data from the Covalent API into a Wallet Guardian Interface, which then goes to the group of LLM agents, who each have various tasks to analyze the data.

Thanks to all who submitted! This is groundbreaking work in the emerging world of account abstraction! Keep building. 💪

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