Deciding Which Node to Run

Now that you have understood the basic operations in Covalent, you can start exploring which nodes to run!

Block Specimen Producer (BSP) - Advanced

The Block Specimen Producer securely extracts data from blockchains, creating what is known as "Block Specimens" is a bulk export method that ultimately leads to the generation of a canonical representation of a blockchains historical state.

  • Requires more Computing power compared to BRP

  • In order to get started, you can proceed to the Block Chain Producer section

Block Results Producer (BRP) - Beginner

The Block Results Producer re-executes or processes the Block Specimens further, producing enriched data outputs called "Block Results", a comprehensive representation of block data returned from an RPC call to a blockchain node, with additional fields for in-depth analysis.

  • Requires less Computation power compared to BSP

  • In order to get started, you can proceed to Block Results Producer section