NFT Sales Structured Data Table

NFT Sales Table Coverage:

Total Chains18
Total Marketplaces39
Total Collections115,362
Total Sales177,622,559
Total Sellers4,550,226
Total Buyers5,861,178

Metric Example: Cross Chain NFT Sales Volume

SELECT sum(nft_token_price_usd) as Volume
      , date_trunc('day', signed_at) as date
      , chain_name
FROM reports.nft_sales_v2
WHERE chain_name IN ('optimism_mainnet', 'arbitrum_mainnet', 'avalanche_mainnet', 'eth_mainnet')
GROUP BY date, chain_name

NFT Sales Data Dictionary

Column NameData TypeDescription
chain_namestringStores the chain name.
chain_idintegerEvery chain_name has a unique number that acts as a numerical identifier for that chain.
block_heightintegerStores the block height.
signed_atdatetimeStores the timestamp.
tx_hashstringEvery transaction on the blockchain has a transaction hash (tx_hash) that acts as a unique identifier for that transaction. The tx_hash column allows you to query specific information from a particular transaction.
marketstringStores the name of the marketplace that facilitated the event.
tostringStores the address in the tx_recipient column of the all_chains table.
fromstringStores the address in the tx_sender column of the all_chains table.
makerstringStores the address selling the NFT.
takerstringStores the address buying the NFT.
token_idintegerStores the NFTs token ID. All NFTs have a token ID. Within a collection, these token IDs are unique. If the NFT is transferred to another owner, the token id remains the same, as this number is its identifier within a collection. For example, if a collection has 10K NFTs then an NFT in that collection can have a token ID from 1-10K.
collection_addressstringStores the address of the collection. For example, Bored Ape Yacht Club.
collection_namestringStores the name of the collection.
token_addressstringStores the address of the token used to purchase the NFT.
token_namestringStores the name of the token used to purchase the NFT.
ticker_symbolstringStores the ticker symbol of the token used to purchase the NFT.
num_decimalsintegerStores the number decimal of the token used to purchase the NFT.
nft_token_pricefloatThe token amount used to purchase the NFT. For example, if the user purchased an NFT for 1 ETH. The nft_token_price column will hold 1.
nft_token_price_unscaledintegerThe raw, on-chain token amount used to purchase the NFT. Blockchains don't work with decimal numbers which is why they multiply values by 10^num_decimal to turn decimal numbers (price or amount of a token) into integers (whole numbers). For example, instead of a transaction's gas costs being 0.000000000000000001 ether, it's shown as 1 wei. Therefore, this field has all the token amounts that are multiplied by 10^num_decimal.
nft_token_price_usdfloatThe USD amount used to purchase the NFT.
nft_token_price_nativefloatThe price of the NFT denominated in the chains native token. Even if a seller sells their NFT for DAI or MANA, this column denominates the price in the native token (e.g. ETH, AVAX, FTM, etc.)
gas_ethfloatStores the gas fee, denominated in ETH.
gas_usd_pricefloatStores the gas fee, denominated in USD.
token_countintegerStores the number of NFTs involved in the sale. It's quick routine to see multiple NFTs involved in a single sale.